
20. Cougar with a PSI of 350

19. Gray Wolf with a PSI of 406

18. Mastiff with a PSI of 556

17. Great White Shark with a PSI of 669

16. African Lion with a PSI of 691

15. Jaguar with a PSI of 700

14. Brown Bear with a PSI of 850

13. Kodiak Bear with a PSI of 930

12. Siberian Tiger with a PSI of 950

11. Alligator Snapping Turtle with a PSI of 1004

10. Bengal Tiger with a PSI of 1050

9. Spotted/Striped Hyena with a PSI of 1100

8. Polar Bear with a PSI of 1235

7. Grizzly Bear with a PSI of 1250

6. Bull Shark with a PSI of 1250

5. Silverback Gorilla with a PSI of 1300

4. Hippopotamus with a PSI of 1821

3. American Alligator with a PSI of 2125

2. Nile Crocodile with a PSI of 5000

1. Saltwater Crocodile with a PSI of 7700

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